CSEA Central Region 5 (Civil Service Employees Association)

The International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, District Council #4

Midstate Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO

Laborers International Union of North America, Local 785

Tompkins Cortland Building & Construction Trades Council (TCBCTC)

“Cynthia has never been afraid to speak out in support of accountability and public process. Her knowledge and experience are beyond comparison.  I am confident that Cynthia Brock has what it takes to move us forward. She has been a steadfast supporter of the local trades and an outspoken advocate for keeping local dollars in our community and building our local workforce. It’s critical we put the best people in leadership positions and help create a better future. The Building Trades are endorsing Cynthia Brock.” — Marcus Willamee (Tompkins- Cortland Building Trades)

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 241

“I, my IBEW Local 241 Electricians, and the 13 Trade Unions that make up our Local Building Trades Council (TCBCTC) are extremely happy to see you run again and will support you in any way possible. We all wish there were more Politicians like yourself that put the lives of your Local Community before any political agenda someone or some party may have. You have always stood strong in your beliefs, and we value your leadership in so many ways!” – Todd Bruer, Business Manager, IBEW Local 241

Central New York State Community Action Program (CAP) Council Region 9 United Auto Workers

Rich John, City of Ithaca Resident and Tompkins County Legislator

“I am glad to be able to add my voice to those who are speaking in support of Cynthia Brock and her campaign for Common Council. As a local legislator for the County, I have been privileged to work with Cynthia on a variety of issues and, as a result, have seen her work. In short, she is smart and engaged, with deep institutional knowledge coming from her many years of public service experience. While it is tempting to see local politics as an extension of national issues, the City needs to provide basic public services to its residents, like sewer, water, parks, and fire protection. It is often unglamorous and demands a practical approach. This is where her focus has been and will be. I also know that she is committed to representing the whole City and all the people in it. She has reached out and is able to have substantive discussions with people she disagrees with. I have seen that she can change her mind when convinced there is a better way, a rare, important, and often under-appreciated quality in a politician. I urge the First Ward voters to fill in the circle for Cynthia Brock.”

James Kerrigan, First Ward Resident and former City Court Judge

“It is rare to see a complete turn about to Ithaca’s Common Council and an honor to endorse Cynthia Brock who is running for re-election on her platform of over years of service. With a new City Manager to be selected, and an almost complete turnover of Council and the Mayor, Cynthia Brock is a member with institutional memory and significant experience. It takes years to acquire knowledge of the inner workings of City Hall and she will be the only member of Council bringing knowledge to the table. She has served on too many committees to list here. She continues to support funding of our demoralized police department and continues to demonstrate her commitment to serving her constituents in our First Ward and will be a necessary guide through the issues which will arise in the next four years. Electing another beginner would not be productive to effective City government. Experience matters.”

Richard Rogers, First Ward Resident and member of the Community Police Board

“Cynthia is committed to improving community safety as well as ensuring police accountability.  She knows that we can reach both of these goals when we work TOGETHER. I heartily endorse Cynthia in her non-partisan, third party effort to remain in her office as First Ward Alderperson, in continued service to our community.  Cynthia is honest, hard working, and has the experience we need in a representative.  Cynthia has been attentively, diligently, and quietly supporting the people who call Ithaca home her entire tenure in office. Now it’s our opportunity to continue to support her!”

Genie Hurme, First Ward Resident

“Cynthia is an attentive listener.  She is likable. She knows how the City government works. And she knows who to go to so the work her constituents need can get done. She is a great representative in our City government. Those of us who call Ward One home are fortunate to have her working for us. For nearly 12 years, she has done great work for all of us. And we deserve more of it.”

Michael Fenner, First Ward Resident

“She is Trustworthy – Cynthia works hard at finding results for everyone and is transparent in her process. And she holds others accountable for their part. Both of which demonstrate how trust is built… She is Bold. She stands up when others will not… She Finishes Strong – Cynthia can be counted on to be there, serving the needs of our community, ’til the job is done.”

George McGonigal, First Ward Alderperson, Friend

“Cynthia thinks outside the box. She does her research.  For ten years, I have seen Cynthia Brock work tirelessly and effectively on behalf of her First Ward constituents. She listens to people, and that propels her public policy positions. No one is more committed to public safety, to improving city infrastructure, and to improving the working conditions and diversity of city employees.” From This Ithaca Times Article

Daniel Baruch, 1st Ward Resident

“I’ve now had the pleasure of meeting Cynthia on two occasions, and both times I was struck by her generous spirit and her thoughtful, caring, no-nonsense approach to community service. And although she certainly cares about our community (which I’m sure all of our local candidates and representatives do), what I believe sets Cynthia apart is her level-headed, pragmatic, and humble attitude. I am all for progress, but progress doesn’t necessarily mean flipping the boat– it means paddling together; it means rigorous, mature, respectful debate; it means finding a path forward as a community. I believe Cynthia understands that as well as anyone. I can’t wait to find that Ithacans for Progress line and vote for her on Tuesday. “

Richard Onyejuruwa, Ithaca Community Police Board Member

“This is the time when you need to pick your best. This is not the time to settle for less. This is not the time to settle for how you may feel at the moment. This is the time to make real time decisions. Ithaca is on trial and you need your best advocate, point blank.  I implore you, not just for you to cast your vote for Cynthia, but, more importantly, to encourage other people to do so. Ithaca for the last 12 years has chosen Cynthia, but that’s really because Cynthia has chosen Ithaca consistently, every single time. Cast your vote for Cynthia Brock.”

Tee-Ann Hunter (Retired Ithaca Town Board Member, former Chairperson Cayuga Lake
Watershed Intermunicipal Organization, former Board Member Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility Special Joint Committee ) 

“Cynthia’s commitment to thoroughly understanding the issues before her is exemplary. I have had the pleasure of serving on two critically important water quality committees that greatly benefitted from her critical thinking and commitment to the job.
Cynthia’s hardwork and thoroughness cannot be highlighted enough. She stands out as one the City’s most active and effective champions of water protection. The people of the First Ward are fortunate to have her represent them and the City of Ithaca is fortunate to have her in office. Please join me in support of keeping her there.”

Daniel Hoffman, former City Attorney and former Common Councilmember